Overview of Unified Feedback Objects |
Process Platform offers a unique approach to handle system feedback such as alert messages and error messages. It provides a single, unified framework to display system feedback as well as to collect user inputs, where required.
You can use the framework to design intrusive or non-intrusive feedback objects. Intrusive feedback objects require user inputs and need to be manually closed. Non-intrusive feedback objects automatically close after displaying relevant information.
You can use the unified framework to display the following feedback object types.
- Status message: Status messages reflect the progression of a procedure. These messages fade automatically after a time interval of two seconds.
- Notification message: Notification messages refer to alerts and warnings such as validation messages and procedure completion messages. These messages appear on the corresponding application or control, and fade automatically after a time interval of five seconds.
- Error message: Error messages provide information about inconsistencies in a procedure, input value, or in software or hardware component. These messages display a Close button, which you can use to close the messages. Error messages appear when you try to save as an XForm that contains inconsistent information. Multiple error messages, if present on the XForm, are stacked and displayed together.
- Confirmation message: Confirmation messages request user inputs that are essential to continue a procedure. These messages display buttons such as Yes, No, or Cancel.
- Process Platform Dialog: Process Platform Dialogs refers to modal dialog boxes that you can use with your application. Modal dialog boxes disable the application windows on which they appear, so that all interaction with the corresponding application is blocked. The disabled application in the background of a Process Platform Dialog appears muted and diffused, while the focus is maintained on the Process Platform Dialog. Process Platform Dialogs display a Close icon; closing the Process Platform Dialog restores the disabled application.
Some feedback objects may contain links that provide access to information such as online help pages and message details. Also, when you click any feedback object, the focus is automatically set on its corresponding control. However, this does not hold true in case of errors resulting from backend validations, such as SOAP Faults that now display as error messages. The details for such messages display separately and can be expanded and collapsed using the More or Less options.
Previously, the error messages generating from the WS-AppServer were displayed as a toolbar button in Process Platform XForms. These messages now display as error messages in the unified framework.
For providing translations for the labels used in the unified feedback objects, create message bundles in the localization folder of the Process Platform installation directory. By default, message bundles are available for the en-US, Dutch, and Chinese translations. For other languages, create respective Cordys.Ufo.Messages<language_code>.xml_ files in the same location.